
Monday 2 November 2009

Fourth year - 4ºA - Presentations

As we talked in class, you will have the chance to practise your speaking skills, especially your fluency, by presenting a topic to the class, which will be followed by a discussion - debate about the matter. You can choose the topic you want but I advise you to pick a subject which can promote a good debate. For those who feel a bit shy to speak in front of the class, there is the possibility to make your presentation just with me and then I will bring the topic for discussion to the class.

Here is the list with the people who already signed up for the task. I encourage you to do this exercise. You know, the more you practise, the better it is for you and your English. Just consider every little thing as a golden opportunity to practise. Click here to see the list. If you do not see your name down, just let me know, send me an email with the date you would like or just leave a comment in this post. Thank you!!!

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