
Monday 29 January 2018

Language Snippets - Idioms (Nationalities)


I don't drink wine usually but on holiday, well, when in Rome...
I don't love cotton candy, but we are at a carnival. When in Rome, right?
Everyone in my new office dresses casually. Should I address that way too? Jane: By all means. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

I don't want you to pay for my ticket. Let's go Dutch.
Is it still considered a date if you go Dutch?
We went Dutch on a cheap Chinese in Shaftesbury Avenue.
Many women are happy to go Dutch with a new boyfriend on the first date.

Come down to the bar and join us in drinking some Dutch courage!
It was Dutch courage that made the football fan attack the policeman.
It will take a bit of Dutch courage to make an after-dinner speech.

Can you make sense of these instructions? It's all Greek to me!!!
I don't understand this. It's all Greek to me.
She said it was Greek to her, and that it made no sense at all.
This contracts is written in such complicated language that it's all Greek to me.

The official story is that he's sick, but I think he's just taking French leave.
As the evening wore on, we decided to just take French leave and make our way home.
I think I might take French leave this afternoon and go to the cinema.

No one on the board of directors was willing to compromise their position on the issue, and with each of us having veto power, it looked like we were heading into a Mexican standoff.
I think the situation will be a bit of a Mexican standoff.

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