
Thursday, 31 October 2019

Language Snippets - Agreeing and Disagreeing

5ºC - Wednesday 30 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: The environment (Taboo)

- Vocabulary and reading: The environment

- Communication: Agreeing and Disagreeing

- Speaking: The environment

A2 - Irregular Verbs

Use the following video to practise the pronunciation of irregular verbs:

2ºA - Wednesday 30 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Review: Present Continuous, descriptions and prepositions

- Speaking: Calling reception

- Listening: Rob and Jenny meet again

- Reading: Passport, Tickets, Money, Phone

- Vocabulary: Irregular verbs


Complete the activities on pages 16 - 23 to review file 1

Study the verbs on page 255

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

A2 - Halloween

Watch the following video to learn a bit about Halloween:

5ºA - Tuesday 29 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Review: Vocabulary.

- Speaking: Surviving a plane crash

- Taboo: The environment

- Vocabulary: The environment

B2 - Listening: Survival Stories

Click on the links for extra listening practice:

- A Survival Story

- The Survivor : Finding Jane

- The Survivor : Wake up soon

- The Survivor: A coincidence

- The Survivor: Run 

- The Survivor: You're Awake

- The Survivor: Caught

- Rip Current Safety

B2 - Grammar: Narrative Tenses

Click on the following links to do some more practice:

- Worksheet 1

- Worksheet 2

- Worksheet 3

- Worksheet 4

5ºC - Monday 28 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Review: Vocabulary

- Reading: Lost at Sea

- Grammar: Narrative Tenses

- Speaking: A difficult situation

- Speaking: Surviving

A2 - Listening

Click on the following links to do some listening practice:

- Mr and Mrs Percy

- What does she look like?

- Present Continuous 1

- Who is at the party?

- My friends

- Students

- A new listening

- David and Rosa

2ºA - Monday 28 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Review: Present Continuous and Prepositions

- Speaking: Describing pictures

- Practical English: Introduction --- Jenny and Rob

- Listening: Calling Reception

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Language Snippets - Although and Despite

5ºA - Thursday 24 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: expressions with get

- Pronunciation: get in reported speech

- Reading: Lost at sea

- Grammar: Narrative tenses

- Speaking: Difficult experiences

- Listening Practice


Do the activities on page 21 (reading)

B2 - Vocabulary: Emergencies and Natural Disasters

Watch the following video to practise the vocabulary about natural disasters and emergencies.

5ºC - Wednesday 23 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Review: connectors and do/make

- Speaking and Vocabulary: Natural Disasters

- Listening: Lost at Sea

- Expressions and Structures with 'get'

- Pronunciation: connected speech

- Listening practice

A2 - Grammar: Present Simple and Present Continuous

Click on the links to do some more practice:

A2 - Grammar: Prepositions of Place

Click on the links below to do some practice:

- Handout 1   Key

- Handout 2

- Handout 3

2ºA - Wednesda 23 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Review: clothes

- Grammar: Present Continuous

- Listening: Vermeer and the Milkmaid

- Vocabulary: Prepositions

of place


Complete activities on page 213 (Present Continuous)

Prepare the speaking activity on page 188 and 194

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

B2 - Language Snippets: Phrasal Verbs with 'get'

5ºA - Tuesday 22 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Review: Vocabulary

- Speaking: Monologues + Expressing opinions

- Vocabulary: Natural disasters

- Speaking: Natural disasters

- Reading: Lost at Sea

- Vocabulary: Expressions with get.


Do the activities on pages 20 and 155

B2. Language Snippets: Linking words

5ºC - Monday 21 October 2019

Summary of the clothes:

- Review: Technology

-  Reading: Tech Free

- Writing: Articles + Connectors

- Vocabulary: Make and Do

- Speaking: Monologues

- Listening: Exam practice


Write an article, using one of the suggestions from the powerpoint or the task in the book.

A2 - Vocabulary: Clothes

Watch the video to practise the pronunciation of the following vocabulary:

Now click on the links below to do some practice:

- What are they wearing?

- Worksheet        Audio

2ºC - Monday 21 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Review: Present Simple

- Vocabulary: Clothes

- Speaking: What are they wearing?

- Pronunciation: Vowel sounds

- Speaking: What do you usually wear when ...?

- Listening: Practice

Sunday, 20 October 2019

B2. Language Snippets - Get around to doing sth

5ºA - Thursday 17 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: Technology

- Reading: Tech Free

- Writing: Articles

- Word Power: Make and Do

- Listening: Exam practice


Prepare a monologue for one of the suggested topics.

B2. Language Snippets - Connectors

5ºC - Wednesday 16 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Grammar: Review of tenses and questions

- Speaking: Nomophobia

- Speaking + listening: Technology

- Vocabulary: Technology

- Reading + writing: An article

Language Snippets - Classroom Language

2ºC - Wednesday 16 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Review: Present Simple

- Listening: A dating app

- Speaking: Talking about a friend/relative

- Writing: Describing yourself


Write two texts following the instructions on page 199. One text is a description of yourself (first person) and the second text a description of a friend/relative (third person)

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

B2 - Listening: Technology

Click on the following links to do some listening practice:

- Technology addiction

- The Effect of Technology on Relationships

- Buying a Computer

- Gadgets

- Technology

5ºA - Tuesday 15 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Entry tests: Mistakes

- Review: Vocabulary

- Review: Tenses + questions

- Speaking: Technology

- Speaking + listening: Technology

- Vocabulary: Technology


Read the text on page 17 and do activity b (True and False)

Language Snippets - Very, Too, Enough

5ºC - Monday 14 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Entry tests: Mistakes

- Review: Vocabulary

- Vocabulary/Speaking: Challenges

- Everyday English

- Speaking: Technology

A2 - Clock Times

Watch the following video to practise how to tell the time in English:

Now click on the links below to do some practice:

- Clock times 1

- Clock times 2

Pronunciation - Endings: -s / -es (Plurals - 3rd person singular)

Watch the videos below to practise the pronunciation of -s endings:

Summary of the rules:

2ºC - Monday 14 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Entry test: Mistakes

- Review: Clock times

- Review: Present Simple

- Listening Practice

- Pronunciation: - s / -es (3rd person of present simple - plurals)

- Speaking: A Date for Clint

Thursday, 10 October 2019

B2 - Grammar: Questions

Click on the links below to do some extra practice:

- Indirect questions

- Indirect questions 2 --- key

- Object and Subject Questions

5ºA - Thursday 10 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: Trying and Succeeding

- Speaking: Trying and Succeeding

- Reading: Challenges

- Grammar: Questions

- Vocabulary and Speaking: Challenges

- Listening: Every Day English --- Rapid Speech (Omission of subjects and sounds)

- Listening Practice


Complete the grammar activities on page 135

Language Snippets - Other Ways of Saying 'I Think'

5ºC - Wednesday 9 October 2019

Summary of the class:

- Listening: Thirty-Day Challenge

- Video: Thirty-Day Challenge

- Vocabulary: Trying and Succeeding

- Speaking: Challenges

- Reading: Three Challenges

- Grammar: Questions

- Listening Practice


Complete the grammar activities on page 135