
Monday, 25 February 2019

Language Snippets - Other WAys of Saying 'I don't know"

4ºAbis - Monday 25 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Listening: Lost in the Jungle

- Videos + Vocabulary: Lost in the Jungle

- Speaking: Surviving

- Reading: What annoys me

- Grammar: Wish + would

- Listening: Practice


Complete activity a on page 141

B2 - Listening: Survival

Click on the links to do some listening practising:

- Miraculous Survivors.   Audio     Script

- How To Survive a Tornado

- Extreme Survival.   Audio    Script

- A Story of Survival

4ºA - Monday 25 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Listening: Lost in the Jungle

- Videos + Vocabulary: Lost in the Jungle

- Speaking: Surviving

- Reading: What annoys me

- Grammar: Wish + would

- Vocabulary: -ed / -ing

- Speaking: -ed / -ing


Complete activity a on page 141

Language Snippets - Some Connectors

C1 - Tuesday 21 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Reading: Practice

- Vocabulary: Love and Relationships

- Listening: A blind date

- Videos: Short Films

- Speaking: Questions about relationships

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Language Snippets - St Valentine's Day

4ºAbis - Wednesday 20 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Conditional Sentences: Exercises

- Speaking: Second Conditional ---- situations

- Speaking: Third Conditional ----situations

- Speaking: Third Conditional --- chains

- Reading: Surviving in the Jungle

- Listening: Surviving in the Jungle

Language Snippets - Adjectives plus prepositions

4ºA - Wednesday 20 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Conditional Sentences: Exercises

- Speaking: Second Conditional ---- situations

- Speaking: Third Conditional ----situations

- Speaking: Third Conditional --- chains

- Reading: Surviving in the Jungle

- Listening: Surviving in the Jungle

C1 - Listening: Relationships

Click on the following links to practise listening.

- The Future of Marriage.--- Audio    Script

- Divorce Lawyers

- St Valentine's Day --- Audio    Script

C1 - Tuesday 19 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Grammar: Discourse Markers

- Listening: Practice (Scotland Referendum)

- Reading: Breaking up

- Vocabulary: Love and Relationships

Monday, 18 February 2019

Language Snippets - Take

4ºAbis - Monday 18 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Grammar: Suggest and Making suggestions

- Vocabulary: Take

- Speaking and Reading: Survivors

- Grammar: Conditional Sentences (Types 2 and 3)

- Pronunciation: Conditional Sentences

- Grammar: Mixed Conditional Sentences


Study the vocabulary on 'hiring a car' and prepare the dialogue

 Complete the activities on page 140

Language Snippets - Third Conditionals

4ºA - Monday 18 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Grammar: Suggest and Making suggestions

- Vocabulary: Take

- Speaking and Reading: Survivors

- Grammar: Conditional Sentences (Types 2 and 3)

- Pronunciation: Conditional Sentences

- Grammar: Mixed Conditional Sentences


Study the vocabulary on 'hiring a car' and prepare the dialogue

 Complete the activities on page 140

Friday, 15 February 2019

Language Snippets - In Love

C1 - Film Scene: Spartacus

This is the famous scene from the film "Spartacus" that was mentioned in the listening activity we did yesterday. Complete the message that the herald brings to the slaves:

I bring a message from your master, Marcus Licinius Crassus, commander of Italy. By _____  of His Most Merciful Excellency your lives are to __________    ____________ . Slaves you were, and slaves you remain, but the terrible penalty of crucifixion has been____________   ___________  on the single condition that you identify the body or the living person of the slave called Spartacus.

Click here to check the text.

C1 - Thursday 14 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: Films

- Vocabulary: Likes and Dislikes

- Speaking and Reading: Historical Accuracy

- Listening: Historical Accuracy

- Grammar: Discourse Markers

- Speaking: Discourse Markers


Complete the activities on page 145 (Discourse Markers)

Do the activities in the reading handout

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

4ºAbis - Wednesday 13 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: Love (Review)

- Vocabulary: Driving (Review)

- Grammar: Complex comparative and superlative structures

- Speaking: Ban on Cars

- Listening: Hiring a car

- Vocabulary: Hiring a car

- Listening: Practice

B2. Comparative Structures

Click on the links below to do some practice:

- Comparative Structures 1

- Comparative Structures 2

4ºA - Wednesday 13 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: Love (Review)

- Vocabulary: Driving (Review)

- Grammar: Complex comparative and superlative structures

- Speaking: Ban on Cars

- Listening: Hiring a car

- Vocabulary: Hiring a car

- Listening: Practice

Language Snippets - Talking about Films

C1 - Tuesday 12 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: Films

- Vocabulary: Likes and Dislikes (Alternatives)

- Speaking: Films

Monday, 11 February 2019

Language Snippets - Further or Farther

B2 - Listening: Driving

Click on the links below to practise listening:

- Driver Education

- Texting and Driving

- Used Cars

- Traffic Ticket

- How To Drive a Car. Part 1  Part 2

- Car Crash

- A Traffic Violation

- Road Regulations

4ºAbis - Monday 11 February 201

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: Love and Relationships

- Vocabulary: Driving and Traffic

- Listening: Risks of Driving

- Speaking: Risks of Driving

- Listening: Practice

B2. Listening: Love

Click on the following links for some extra listening practice:

- How To Chat Someone Up: Audio   Script

- How To Ask Someone Out: Audio   Script

- The Ideal Woman

- Dating Problems

- The Breakup

- Class Crush

- Divorce

- A Good Date

- Online Dating

- Places to Meet Women

- The History of St Valentine's Day

4ºA - Monday 11 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: Love and Relationships

- Vocabulary: Driving and Traffic

- Listening: Risks of Driving

- Speaking: Risks of Driving

- Listening: Practice


Complete the vocabulary activity on page 41 (Take)

Language Snippets - Conditional Sentences

C1 - Thursday 7 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Reading Practice

- Writing: Essays

- Listening Practice

- Reading: Films

- Vocabulary: Films


Write an essay on one of the topics from the worksheet.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Language Snippets - Essays

4ºA-bis - Wednesday 6 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: Risks

- Grammar: Conditional Sentences and Time Sentences

- Listening and Speaking: Recommendations

- Writing: Essays

- Reading: Speedaholics


Write a For-and-Against Essay

Language Snippets - Make and Do

4ºA - Wednesday 6 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: Risks

- Grammar: Conditional Sentences and Time Sentences

- Listening and Speaking: Recommendations

- Writing: Essays

- Reading: Speedaholics

- Vocabulary: Driving


Write a For-and-Against Essay

Language Snippets - Other Ways of Saying...

C1 - Tuesday 5 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: Politics

- Listening and Speaking: Voter Apathy

- Reading and Speaking: Voter Apathy

- Vocabulary: Idioms

- Listening and Speaking: Brexit

Monday, 4 February 2019

Language Snippets - Easily Confused Words

4ºA-bis - Monday 4 February 2019

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: Risks

- Grammar: Conditional Sentences (Types 0 - 1) and Time Clauses

- Speaking: Conditional Sentences

- Speaking and Listening: Challenges


Complete the activities on page 139

Read the text on page 40 and complete the activities