
Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Language Snippets - Phrasal Verbs with 'work'

5ºA - Wednesday 21 March 2018

Summary of the class:

- Review: Punishment

- Speaking: Crime

- Vocabulary: Punishment

- Listening: Crime

- Video: Phishing

- Speaking: Cybercrime

- Listening: Review


- Complete activities on pages 174 and 175 

- Read the text on page 75 and do activities 4 and 6

Language Snippets - To badmouth sb

5ºC - Tuesday 20 March 2018

Summary of the class:

- Grammar: Modals of speculation and nouns + preposition

- Review: work

- Vocabulary and speaking: Working life

- Listening: Talking about work

- Speaking: Employees

- Listening: Situations at work

- Speaking: work


Read the text on page 75 and do activities 4 and 6

Language Snippets - Happy

5ºB - Tuesday 20 March 2018

Summary of the class:

- Grammar: Modals of speculation and nouns + prepositions

- Reading: Crime in Latvia

- Vocabulary: work

- Speaking: Characteristics of my ideal job

- Listening: Jobs

- Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe jobs

Monday, 19 March 2018

Language Snippets - Descriptive Words

NA2. Listening:

Click on the following links to practise listening:

- Crime and Punishment

- Copyright infringement

- The Death Penalty

- The Police

- Why Do People Kill?

5ºA - Monday 19 March 2018

Summary of the class:

- Review: Crimes

- Speaking: Murder in the Classroom

- Vocabulary: A fitting punishment

- Speaking: Worthy of punishment

- Listening: Crime and punishment

- Speaking: The legal system


Complete the last activities in the worksheet about crime and punishment

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Listening: Ireland

Click on the links below to do some listening activities:

- The Cliffs of Moher

- The Irish Economy

- Cork

- Irish History

5ºC - Thursday 15 March 2018

Summary of the class:

- Speaking: Irish History and Geography

- Speaking: Conditional sentences

- Vocabulary: Work

- Listening: Jobs

- Speaking: Work

- Speaking: Qualities of a good job


Grammar: Activities on pages 174 and 175

Language Snippets - Just kidding

5ºB - Thursday 15 March 2018

Summary of the class:

- Speaking: Irish History and Geography

- Grammar: Conditional Sentences (Types 0, 1, 2 and 3)

- Speaking. Conditional 2

- Speaking: Conditional 3

- Grammar: Conditional sentences --- omitting 'if', mixed, and other conjunctions

- Brainstorming: work

- Vocabulary: work


Grammar: Activities on page 174/5

Reading: Read the text on page 74 and do activities

Language Snippets - Conditional Sentences

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

5ºA - Wednesday 14 March 2018

Summary of the class:

- Speaking: Presentations about Irish history and geography

- Grammar: Narrative tenses and participle clauses

- Vocabulary: Crimes

- Listening: Car theft

- Vocabulary: Crimes

- Listening: Crimes

- Speaking: Crime

Language Snippets - Synonyms

5ºC - Tuesday 13 March 2018

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: The Law

- Grammar: Conditional Sentences

- Speaking: Conditional Sentences

- Grammar: Inversions (conditional sentences), mixed conditional sentences, conditional conjunctions

- Brainstorming: Work

- Vocabulary: Work

- Listening: Review


Complete the activities on pages 174 and 175 (grammar)

NA2 - Listening: Cybercrime

Click on the links below for further practice:

- Botnets --- audio ---- script

- Yahoo accounts attacked

- Digital Spying

- Hacking to stop hackers

- Online Perils ---- audio--- questions---- script

- Social Network scams --- audio --- script

5ºB - Tuesday 13 March 2018

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: The Law

- Listening: Crime

- Vocabulary: Punishment

- Video: What is phishing?

- Speaking: Cybercrime

- Review: Listening


Complete the activities on page 174 - 175 (Grammar)

Monday, 12 March 2018

Language Snippets - Idioms with 'book'

I'm afraid physics will always be a closed book to me.
I'd always thought of Jeff as an open book.
You won't be a very successful thief with that nervous demeanour—the cops will read you like a book.
 Selling tourists fake artifacts is the oldest trick in the book—please don't fall for that one.
I’ll ask my boss for the day off – I’m in her good books just now.
The police were careful to do everything by the book.
They are committing $3m to research. We could take a leaf out of their book.
 He seems very quiet, but you can't judge a book by its cover.
My partner had been cooking the books for years, but because I was the CEO, I got the blame for our company's collapse.

NA2 - Vocabulary: Crime

Watch the videos to practise the vocabulary on crime:

5ºA - Monday 12 March 2018

Summary of the class:

- Writing: Narratives

- Grammar: Participle Clauses

- Listening: Review

- Brainstorming: Crime

- Vocabulary: Crimes


Write a narrative with one of the suggestions on the powerpoint

Complete the activities on page 174 (Narrative Tenses and Participle Clauses)

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Language Snippets - Giving Opinions

5ºC - Thursday 8 March 2018

Summary of the class:

- Review: law and punishments

- Speaking: Crime and Punishment

- Listening: Crime

- Vocabulary: The Law

- Video: Phishing (Listening)

- Speaking: Cybercrime


Listening page 72

Vocabulary page 72

Language Snippets - A Blessing in Disguise

5ºB - Thursday 8 March 2018

Summary of the class:

- Speaking: Punishment

- Speaking: A fitting punishment

- Listening: Punishments

- Speaking: Questions about crime and punishment

- Speaking: Worthy of punishment

- Review: listening


Complete the activities in the copy (Crime and Punishment)

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

NA2 - Writing: Connectors

Click on the following links if you want to do some more practice on English connectors:

- Connectors 1

- Connectors 2

- Connectors 3

- Connectors 4

- Connectors 5

NA2 - Listening: Animals

Click on the following links if you want to do some more listening practice:

- Animal testing

- The Pet Caterer

- African Wildlife

- The Maasai and the Lions

- Teenager Attacked by Three Lions

- Tigers

5ºA - Wednesday 7 March 2018

Summary of the class:

- Review: The environment

- Dialogues: The environment

- Reading + speaking: Controversial topics about animals.

- Writing: Narratives ---- Structure, narrative tenses, time expressions


Read the copy on narratives and complete the activities

Language Snippets - Other people's opinions

5ºC - Tuesday 6 March 2018

Summary of the class:

- Review: Crimes and punishment

- Vocabulary: the law

- Speaking: Worthy of punishment

- Speaking: Murder in the classroom

- Listening: Single Parents

NA2 - Vocabulary: Crime

Watch the video to practise the vocabulary on crime:

5ºB - Tuesday 6 March 2018

Summary of the class:

- Grammar: Narrative Tenses and Participle Clauses

- Review: Crimes

- Speaking: Crime

- Speaking: Murder in the Classroom

- Listening: Brexit

Monday, 5 March 2018

Language Snippets - Rain

Book Recommendation - Our Man in Havana by Graham Greene

Today we have had another book recommendation. This time is the well-known book, Our Man in Havana by Graham Greene.

Graham Greene is a very popular and talented writer, and some of his works have been turned into popular films. His novels are also original and in some way peculiar, but they are also thought-provoking.

5ºA - Monday 5 March 2018

Summary of the class:

- Book Presentation: Our Man in Havana by Graham Greene

- Review: The weather + natural disasters

- Video: Emergency during an earthquake

- Speaking: Natural Disasters

- Vocabulary: The environment

- Speaking: The environment

- Listening: Review