
Friday, 27 March 2015

Fifth year - Thursday 26 March 2015

Summary of the class:

- Speaking: work. How honest...?

- Listening: jobs

- Grammar: conditional sentences

- Speaking: work


Read the worksheet on letters of application and do the exercises

Complete the activities on vocabulary in the handout about education

First year - 1ºB - Thursday 26 March 2015

Summary of the class:

- Grammar: past simple

- Speaking: football fans

- Listening and reading: Tale of Two Sydneys

- Vocabulary + speaking: Tale of Two Sydneys

- Reading: A Night to Remember

- Vocabulary: Irregular verbs


Practise the pronunciation and use of regular past tenses

Learn the irregular past tense of the fifteen verbs we saw in class:

- go           went
- hear        heard
- see          saw
- come      came
- teach       taught
- get           got
- wear        wore
- have        had
- can          could
- leave       left
- know      knew
- feel         felt
- lose         lost
- speak      spoke

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Language snippets - past simple

Language snippets - Vocabulary: lose and miss

First year - 1ºC - Wednesday 25 March 2015

Summary of the class:

- Speaking: football fans

- Listening and reading: Tale of Two Sydneys

- Vocabulary + speaking: Tale of Two Sydneys

- Brainstorming: a special night

- Reading: A Night to Remember

- Vocabulary: Irregular verbs


Practise the pronunciation and use of regular past tenses

Learn the irregular past tense of the fifteen verbs we saw in class:

- go           went
- hear        heard
- see          saw
- come      came
- teach       taught
- get           got
- wear        wore
- have        had
- can          could
- leave       left
- know      knew
- feel         felt
- lose         lost
- speak      spoke

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Language snippets - last, latter, and latest

B2. Grammar: other, another...

Click on the links below to practise the use of other, another, others...

Activity 1

Activity 2

B2. Grammar: Already, still, and yet

Click on the links below to practise the use of  already, still, and yet

- Activity 1

- Activity 2

B2. Pronunciation: words difficult to pronounce

Watch the following video to practise some words that are difficult to pronounce:

B2. Pronunciation: can - can't

Watch the following video to practise the pronunciation of can / can't:

Fifth year - Tuesday 24 March 2015

Summary of the class:

- Correction/revision of exams

- Grammar: mistakes

- Vocabulary: prevent and avoid

- Grammar: still, yet, already

- Pronunciation of difficult words

- Speaking: work

First year. A1. Pronunciation: walk / work

The following video shows how to pronounce 'walk to work':

Language snippets - Go, do, and play

First year. A1. -ed endings

Watch the videos below to review the rules for the pronunciation of -ed in the past tense:

First year - 1ºB - Tuesday 24 March 2015

Summary of the class:

- Correction/revision of exams

- Pronunciation: -ed endings

- Speaking: Did you... yesterday?

- Vocabulary: time expressions

- Speaking: When was the last time...?

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Language snippets - Verbs of Motion

First year - 1ºC - Monday 23 March 2015

Summary of the class:

- Revision/correction of exams

- Speaking: Yesterday

- Vocabulary: time expressions

- Speaking: When was the last time...?

Monday, 23 March 2015

Language snippets - ed and -ing adjectives

Fifth year - Thursday 19 March 2015

Summary of the class:

- Reading test

- Listening test

Language snippets - Action verbs

First year - A1. Hobbies

Watch the following video about hobbies:

First year - A1. Regular past tense

Click on the following links to practise the form and use of past tense of regular verb:

- Activity 1--------------------- Key

- Activity 2--------------------- Key

First year - 1ºB - Thursday 19 March 2015

Summary of the class:

- Listening test

- Listening: four statues

- Listening and writing: guess who

- Reading and listening: the taxi journey

- Grammar: past simple ---- regular verbs

Thursday, 19 March 2015

B2 - Listening: Ideas

Watch the following video and complete the activities found at this link: Worksheet

Click here to read the script and check your answers

Language snippets - Expressing opinions

First year - A1. Listening: A phone message

Watch and listen to the video and complete the following form:

Name of caller: ___________________
To: _________________
Message: ______________________________________________________________________
Action: _______________________________________________________

Click here to check your answers

Language snippets - Action Verbs

First year - 1ºC - Wednesday 18 March 2015

Summary of the class:

- Reading test

- Writing test

- Listening test

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Language snippets - Narration connectors

Fifty year - Tuesday 17 March 2015

Summary of the class.

- Listening: Exam practice. Click here to see the document

Here's the video of the interview of Stephenie Meyer. The activity in class runs till 3m16.

- Reading: Exam practice. Click here to see the texts

- Speaking: Importance of languages /// Roles of men and women

A1. First year - Listening: Angela and Peter

Watch the video (until 1.27) and answer the questions. Don't watch the end of the video yet!

Para hacer la actividad ve el video hasta el minuto 1.27.


1. What does Angela do?
2. How old is she?
3. Where is she from?
4. Where does she live?
5. What does Angela like doing?
6. What is Angela like?
7. What does Peter do?
8. Where is he from?
9. How old is he?
10. What does he like?

Watch the end of the video and check your answers!

Language snippets - Come and Go

First year - 1ºB - Tuesday 17 March 2015

Summary of the class:

- Reading test

- Writing test

- Speaking: three presidents

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Language snippets - Arrive

Language snippets - Pronunciation: -ed endings

A1. First year - Grammar: past simple (regular verbs)

Click on the following links to practise the past simple of regular verbs in English:

- Activity 1

- Activity 2

A1. First year - Pronunciation -ed (regular verbs in the past tense)

Watch the following video to practise the pronunciation of -ed endings:

Language snippets - see, look, and watch

First year - 1ºC - Monday 16 March 2015

Summary of the class:
- Review: was / were

- Warming up: Chelsea

- Reading and listening: Stamford Bridge

- Grammar: Past simple (regular verbs)

- Pronunciation: -ed endings

- Speaking: yesterday

Monday, 16 March 2015

Language snippets - Connectors

Fifth year - Thursday 12 March 2015

Summary of the class:

- Writing exams

Language snippets - Irregular plurals

First year - 1ºB - Thursday 12 March 2015

Summary of the class:

- Listening tests

- Writing + reading + grammar: activities

- Speaking: Who is...? Who was...?

- Quiz: was / were

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Language snippets - I and me

First year - 1ºC - Wednesday 11 March 2015

Summary of the class:

- Speaking: Quiz (was / were)

- Vocabulary: word formation

- Speaking: Who is ______? Who was __________?

- Listening: Chopin, Joan of Arc, Nelson and Garibaldi

- Listening: two famous people

- Writing + speaking. Guess who

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Fifth year - Listening: Work

If you want to practise your listening skills on this week's topic, work, click on the link below and do the different activities on the website:

Language snippets - Some connectors (cause)