- Revision. Introduce yourself to others using everything we have learnt so far: Name, spelling, telephone, number, nationality.
- Game: Where are you? Nationalities
- Page 6: speaking practice: Where is it from? Where are they from?
- Page 6: numbers from 21 - 1000
- Grammar: questions and short forms (to be). Click here to review numbers from 21 to 32. And click here to practise the pronunciation of numbers from 1 to 100.
- Anecdotes: Read the topics and choose one to talk about. - Story telling: A day at the circus. Click on the links to see the story: Part 1 and part 2
- Listening and speaking: let's get personal. We listened to people talking about moments and places that are special to them and then we talked about those special moments for us.
Homework: Choose a topic from the anecdotes you talk about in the first part of the class and write about it. Click here to see the topics.
- Speaking practice: memorable events. Think of memorable events and talk to your partner about them.
-Page 5. Listening practice: impressions
- Page 5: Grammar practice: tenses
- Speaking practice: History. Talk about the following questions.Click here to see the questions.
- Speaking practice: Stories in the past. Choose one of these topics and talk about a time when something similar happened to you. Click here to see the topics
Homework: Write a narration about one of the topics we have been talking about in the last part of the class.
I would like to say hello to my new students in San Fernando and I hope we have a very fruitful and intense year. As I told you in the induction session, assessment will be carried out in three terms and you will have to succeed in the four language skills: writing, reading, speaking and listening skills. If you want to know more about how an "eoi" works, click here.
The books for this year are:
First year:New English File Elementary. Clive Oxenden, Christina Lathan-Koenig, Paul Seligson. Oxford University Press.
Fourth year: New Inside Out Upper Intermediate. Sue Kay and Vaughan Jones. MacMillan.
To start with, I'd like to add a humorous touch. Watch this video and I hope you don't have so many problems with English as this poor man.
Quisiera saludar a mis nuevos alumnos de San Fernando. Espero que tengamos un curso muy fructífero e intenso. Como os dije en la presentación, la evaluación tendrá lugar en tres evaluaciones y tendréis que superar las cuatro destrezas: comprension y producción oral y comprensión y producción escrita. Si queréis saber más del funcionamiento de una eoi, pincha aquí.
Los libros de este curso son:
Primero:New English File Elementary. Clive Oxenden, Christina Lathan-Koenig, Paul Seligson. Oxford University Press.
Cuarto: New Inside Out Upper Intermediate. Sue Kay and Vaughan Jones. MacMillan.
This is a quick note to all my students from this past year to tell you that we won't be seeing each other this year. I've been sent to San Fernando. I've enjoyed the classes with you all and I hope you do well this year as well. I think you all have my email address, so if you need to contact me for whatever the reason, feel free to do so. All the best. Goodbye.
Una nota para todos mis alumnos del pasado curso para decirso que no nos veremos en este curso que viene. Voy a San Fernando. He pasado un año estupendo en vuestras clases y espero que todo os vaya bien en este curso. Creo que tenéis mi dirección de email, así que si tenéis que contactarme por cualquier cosa, hacedlo. Os deseo lo mejor. Hasta otra.